mardi 7 février 2017


IJEA is an open access platform for scholarly dialogue. IJEA is a "peer-review" and "referred" International journal.

Aims and Scope :The IJEA journal will cater to the.International Journal of Engineering Associates - IJEA.

Archives/Previous Issues - IJEA

Stanford held a wonderful memorial for Elliot Eisner on March 3. Creating the next Generation of E-Assessments in the Real World.

Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, Durham University. IJEA Best Feature Story, “Giving Back to the Needy,” by Kejvan Rucker.

20IJEA All-State and Junior All-State Jazz Bands

Best Headline, “Split that V, Dot that I, Curl that C, Cross that T, O-R-Y,” by.IJEA is a \\\"peer-review\\\" and \\\"referred\\\" International journal.

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